Soaring Beyond Limits: The Remarkable Journey of Matt LaJeunesse and Tandem BASE Moab

Tandem BASE Moab was approached by ‘Now This,’ a large social media news outlet that found our social media especially exciting and inspiring. While there are many thrilling activities one can find on social media or while visiting Moab, Utah, Now This noticed that Tandem BASE Moab stands out as particularly remarkable. In 2023, Tandem BASE Moab achieved an impressive 30 million verified views. Now, they wanted to delve deeper and help share our story and success. Naturally, we were appreciative and honored.

The news piece specifically focused on Matt LaJeunesse, the owner and lead guide at Tandem BASE Moab. Matt has more viral Tandem BASE jumps than anyone on the planet, with millions of views setting him apart. The reality is that no one else even comes close. So, what makes his videos different? Matt seems to be able to match the energy of complete strangers while they experience incredible fear and inspiring moments. Anyone can jump off a cliff, but Matt seems like more of a hype man. Whether someone is laughing and excited or crying and sharing something very personal, he is able to not only share the moment but enhance it.

So if that’s what makes Matt’s videos different, what makes him different? Well, first and foremost, Matt has more Tandems than anyone doing Tandem BASE jumps. With nearly 11,000 tandem jumps, he has mastered the art of tandem jumping. Flying tandems is as natural to him as driving a car or riding a bike. Sure, that is comforting, but what we really see is that instead of being distracted by the tremendously difficult task at hand, Matt is able to split his focus between flying and enjoying the moment with the person attached to the front of him. Having so many tandems allowed Matt to actually study people’s behaviors while experiencing their biggest thrill. Hearing Matt explain the way that he has taught himself to categorize behaviors in order to best support passengers is nothing short of incredible.

Undoubtedly, Matt’s ability to fly a parachute is a part of his success, but we think life perfectly prepared him for this position. Matt has lived an incredibly rich life. He has traveled the world mastering his craft and entertaining people all along the way. He has a big personality and loves to laugh. But like most people, Matt has faced hardships that have impacted him too. He will tell you that his hardships have made him stronger and taught him as much as anything. Matt also has a background as a school teacher, fireman, and EMT. These jobs have taught him to work with thousands of people in an unlimited number of scenarios.

It is safe to say that Matt is the best in the world at Tandem BASE jumping for all of these reasons, but Matt is quick to point out that Tandem BASE Moab is part of a team. Like all teams, we all make each other better. Without the rest of the Tandem BASE team, Sean Chuma (the true pioneer of Tandem BASE jumping), and the tens of thousands of people he has jumped with and interacted with, he would not have experienced the success he has.


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