Tandem BASE Moab: Leading the Way in Tandem BASE Jumping

Tandem BASE Moab is proud to be the most successful Tandem BASE jumping operation on the planet. As part of the Tandem BASE team, we are the busiest company with the highest references and the most successful social media presence. With such strong support, we receive numerous collaboration and sponsorship offers. To stay focused on what we do best, we turn down 98% of these offers. However, we recently accepted sponsorships from Insta360 and RockyTalkie, two giants in the outdoor adventure sports industry.

Partnership with Insta360

In the past, we used GoPro MAX 360s but faced issues with battery freezing and image quality. Insta360 sent us their cameras, and the improvement was immediate. The video and picture quality were significantly better, and the editing software is brilliantly designed for ease of use. 360 cameras are the best for filming Tandem BASE jumping, and partnering with the top 360 camera manufacturer is incredibly exciting for us. We love sharing Tandem BASE jumps with people and watching the viral videos that follow. From November 2023 to November 2024, our videos received nearly 30 million views on social media platforms. Our social media success is thanks to our guides’ training, our Insta360 cameras, and, most importantly, our amazing clients' reactions.

Partnership with RockyTalkie

RockyTalkie has become a staple in the outdoor industry. Any serious adventurer knows the importance of having a reliable radio. Radios help our guides communicate everything from weather updates to staying in touch with spectators, making Tandem BASE jumping both fun and safe. RockyTalkie provides incredibly durable, small, and lightweight radios with excellent range and battery life. We are thrilled to have their support. Be sure to use the radios to check in with your friends and family before you make a jump with us.

Our Commitment

You can tell a lot about a company by the partners they choose to work with. We pride ourselves on being the best Tandem BASE jumping operation in the world, which is why we only collaborate with the best companies that enhance the Tandem BASE experience. While many make big claims online about their experience, all of our claims are verifiable. If our sponsors don’t impress you, feel free to ask for resumes and references. Our references and resumes are far superior to anyone else in the Tandem BASE industry. Our competition doesn’t even have parachute-related resumes.

Join us at Tandem BASE Moab for the ultimate BASE jumping experience, supported by the best in the industry.



Bridge Day


Is Tandem BASE Jumping Safe?