Is Tandem BASE Jumping Safe?

The answer you want to hear is that "Tandem BASE" has had zero injuries or fatalities since helping pioneer Tandem BASE jumping. And that's true worldwide for Tandem BASE jumping. With a combined 60 years of experience in parachuting, 35,000 skydives, and 15,000 BASE jumps, we have had zero injuries or incidents.

When you hear that “BASE jumping is one of the most dangerous activities in the world,” that remark does NOT consider Tandem BASE jumping. It specifically refers to solo BASE jumping, which doesn't follow the same guidelines and protocols. Tandem BASE jumping is designed for jumpers with no experience, meaning we don't constantly push boundaries or try new things. We follow the same protocols for every jump. Although a passenger will experience the thrill of a lifetime, the Tandem BASE guide is simply working through procedures they've done thousands of times over the years.

To further increase safety, we use the same parachute deployment method, “a static line deployment,” that the United States military uses. This method is trusted by the military, and they even trust us to instruct it. When the biggest BASE jumping equipment manufacturer in the world, Squirrel, decided to make instructional videos about this technique, they hired Matt (the owner of Tandem BASE Moab) to explain the practice in an instructional video. Additionally, Squirrel makes the most modern and safe Tandem BASE parachutes currently available. Our gear is the absolute best and only available to a handful of people on the planet.

We’d be misleading you if we didn’t acknowledge that, of course, some level of risk is involved in making a Tandem BASE jump. However, ‘Tandem BASE’ implements all the safest procedures and technology to offer the experience of BASE jumping without introducing unnecessary risk. What we can promise you is that we are the most responsible, educated, informed, prepared, and experienced team offering Tandem BASE jumping. The Tandem BASE Moab team not only uses these strategies, but we work with gear manufacturers, teach military contracts, and are trusted by the entire parachute community to teach these strategies.

Anyone can make claims on their webpage, but we encourage you to dig into our backgrounds and references. You could contact just about any legitimate skydiving or BASE jumping company to verify our backgrounds and accomplishments. We have references with the Red Bull Airforce and have repeatedly worked on Red Bull skydiving and BASE jumping projects. We’ve worked on commercials, movies, mega stunts, and national and world championship teams—all skydiving and BASE jumping-related. No matter who you choose to make a Tandem BASE jump with, we encourage you to look into verifiable parachuting accomplishments. Don’t just believe claims made on social media or webpages. Our safety record and reputation are unmatched when it comes to Tandem BASE jumping.

For an unforgettable, safe, and thrilling experience, trust Tandem BASE Moab. Contact us today to book your jump!


Tandem BASE Moab: Leading the Way in Tandem BASE Jumping


Is Tandem BASE Jumping Legal?