Tandem BASE Jumping vs. Skydiving: What’s the Difference?

Both Tandem BASE Moab and Skydive Moab offer incredible experiences. However, despite their similarities, these two activities differ in several key aspects. In this blog post, we’ll break down the differences between tandem BASE jumping and skydiving, so you can decide which one might be the right adventure for you!

Launch Point: Fixed Objects vs. Aircraft

One of the most significant differences between BASE jumping and skydiving is where the jump starts.

Skydiving: Typically begins from an airplane at altitudes ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 feet. The high altitude allows for extended freefall time and a controlled descent.

BASE Jumping: The acronym BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span (bridges), and Earth (cliffs), highlighting the fixed objects from which jumps are made. These jumps start at much lower altitudes, usually between 200 to 1,500 feet, depending on the location. The thrill comes from leaping off a stationary object, which makes each jump unique.

Altitude and Freefall Time

The altitude from which you jump greatly affects the experience and duration of freefall.

Skydiving: Jumping from high altitudes provides a longer freefall time, often around 30 to 60 seconds, before deploying the parachute. The higher the jump, the longer the freefall, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the sensation of weightlessness and take in the views.

BASE Jumping: Due to the lower altitudes, freefall times are much shorter, typically lasting only a few seconds before the parachute must be deployed. This quick transition from freefall to canopy makes BASE jumping more intense.

Speed and Deployment

Both sports involve high speeds, but the nature of the jumps affects how parachutes are deployed.

Skydiving: The higher starting point allows skydivers to reach terminal velocity, around 120 mph, during freefall. Skydivers have ample time to stabilize their body position and prepare for a smooth parachute deployment.

BASE Jumping: Jumpers don’t usually reach terminal velocity because of the lower starting points. Speeds may reach up to 90 mph before parachute deployment. BASE jumpers must deploy their parachutes quickly, often within seconds of jumping, which requires precise timing and skill.

Scenery and Experience

The type of scenery and the overall experience differ greatly between the two.

Skydiving: Offers expansive aerial views from high altitudes. You get to see landscapes stretching out far into the distance, with a broader perspective of the world below.

BASE Jumping: Provides a more intimate and intense experience, with breathtaking views up close. Whether you’re jumping off a towering cliff in Moab or a bridge over a river, the scenery is immediate, dramatic, and often awe-inspiring. The connection to the environment feels more personal and immersive.

Accessibility and Training

The availability and necessary training for each sport also differ.

Skydiving: More accessible to beginners, with many skydiving centers offering tandem jumps with little prior training needed. Instructors guide you through the process, making it easier for first-timers.

BASE Jumping: Requires more extensive training and experience. Most BASE jumpers have a background in skydiving, using it as a foundation to learn the skills needed for safe BASE jumps. Many choose to gain hundreds of skydives before attempting a BASE jump.

Which Adventure is Right for You?

Choosing between Tandem BASE Moab and Skydive Moab depends on your level of experience, the kind of thrill you’re seeking, and your appetite for risk. Skydiving is perfect for those looking for a more controlled, extended freefall experience with panoramic views. On the other hand, if you crave an intense, heart-pounding experience and have a taste for higher-risk adventures, tandem BASE jumping offers a unique and unforgettable way to connect with the environment and push your limits.

Both sports offer incredible ways to experience the freedom of flight, and each has its unique charm. With Tandem BASE Moab we can set it up so you can BASE jump AND skydive all in one day, contact us today for more details and to schedule.


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